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Tag Along Tom Ryan Books

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Tag Along Tom Ryan Books

Tag Along by Tom Ryan follows the adventures of 4 teens--Roemi, Andrea, Paul and Candace--on prom night. Roemi dreams of he and his Internet date being the first gay couple at prom until he's stood up. Andrea climbs out her bedroom window after being punished for breaking her parents' rules. Paul has a panic attack the morning of the prom and gets his mom to break his date by saying he's sick. Candace is caught tagging a wall and spends most of the night dodging the policeman that caught her. The four of them meet up along the way and form an unlikely bond the reader hopes will transcend the book's finale.

I read Tag Along because it's a White Pine book and I signed up as staff adviser for my school's White Pine Reading Club. Ryan's book is one of two books from the list most read by the club's members, so I picked up a copy. It was a quick read and the story moves along at a fast pace, though not as much happened as I would've liked. One of the students in the White Pine Club remarked that the entire book unfolds and they still manage to get to prom before it's over (sorry...should I have called "Spoilers" first?). I'm not as surprised as she; there's not a whole lot going on in the four or five hours prom is underway.

Don't get me wrong--Tag Along is well worth the read. Think of The Breakfast Club on their way to prom. The story is told from the points of view of the four protagonists, all of whom are significantly differentiated to believe they are four distinct characters. The events are adventurous (tagging buildings in spite of being stalked by a cop, for example), without being implausible or life-threatening., but the story's more joy ride than thrill-a-minute roller coaster ride.

In the end, you'll see the characters as you want to see them--"in simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what [Tag Along shows] is that each one of us" wants to make a coming out splash; not have a panic attack when we think of a date with our mates; rebel against the rules, even if it's for the first time in our lives; and leave our mark on the world around us.

Sincerely yours, the Prom Club.

Note: the last paragraph quote from The Breakfast Club.

Read Tag Along Tom Ryan Books

Tags : Tag Along (9781459802971): Tom Ryan: Books,Tom Ryan,Tag Along,Orca Book Publishers,1459802977,Social Themes - Dating & Sex,Social Themes - Friendship,Friendship,High schools,Proms,Proms;Fiction.,Teenagers,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Holidays & Celebrations - General,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Social Themes - Dating & Relationships,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Holidays & Celebrations,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Dating & Sex,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionHolidays & Celebrations,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Dating & Sex

Tag Along Tom Ryan Books Reviews

its a great book and i reallu enjoyed reading it
This book was so much fun. The storyline centers around 4 characters on their prom nights. It was real and entertaining and felt authentic. It wasn't over-the-top as sometimes I feel young adult novels are. I liked how all the storys came together to form one cohesive night as opposed to 4 sepearate stories.

Tom Ryan did a great job with writing a fun and fast-paced novel. If you are looking for a light, fun prom-centric novel, then I would recommend picking this one up.
Four students who don't know each other will connect, not on purpose, on Prom night. It has finally arrived. Andrea isn't impressed with the excitement that surrounds Prom night. She only plans to go because she thinks that's what she's supposed to do. Her friend Bethanne convinced her to “make a move” on her long time crush Justin Sanchez. Unfortunately, Andrea won't be going to prom. Her mom found a bottle of alcohol hidden in her closet and now she is grounded. Being grounded didn't stop her. She put on a hoodie and hopped out her bedroom window. Paul, on the other hand, has his buds to hang out with. A girl he thinks is beautiful is on his radar. Eventually, he meets and dates this popular girl named Lannie. Her popularity and love for glamour has her planning every minute of their Prom date. She wants to go all out. It's all she talks about. He goes along with it until the morning of the Prom. He has a very familiar, yet horrible, feeling come over him. It's a panic attack. His mother calls Lannie and Paul knows she will be upset. The stress of the Prom has triggered his attack. Later that night and after sleeping all day he feels good enough to eat and then borrow the family truck. He is out for an adventure. Candace, is a loner and artist who lives with her grandma and a dad who's depressed and drinks. They are somewhat loving and caring but she needs to get out of the house. She is looking for a perfect spot to create some awesome graffiti. Roemi is gay. His date for the Prom is a no-call no-show. At Prom, he planned to make a big splash and win the crown. Still in his tux, not wanting to change, he heads out of the house but not to Prom. He couldn't face it alone. Later that night these four strangers randomly meet and form a sort of kinship through unusual circumstances. How will they pass the time on Prom night without getting caught? Author Tom Ryan has created a story that young readers will connect with. This fast paced read has humor, suspense and a familiar vibe of teen emotion. This tale does not really have a coming of age vibe, but is more about friendships. Readers, teachers and parents will enjoy this story alone or as a group read along.
Tag Along by Tom Ryan follows the adventures of 4 teens--Roemi, Andrea, Paul and Candace--on prom night. Roemi dreams of he and his Internet date being the first gay couple at prom until he's stood up. Andrea climbs out her bedroom window after being punished for breaking her parents' rules. Paul has a panic attack the morning of the prom and gets his mom to break his date by saying he's sick. Candace is caught tagging a wall and spends most of the night dodging the policeman that caught her. The four of them meet up along the way and form an unlikely bond the reader hopes will transcend the book's finale.

I read Tag Along because it's a White Pine book and I signed up as staff adviser for my school's White Pine Reading Club. Ryan's book is one of two books from the list most read by the club's members, so I picked up a copy. It was a quick read and the story moves along at a fast pace, though not as much happened as I would've liked. One of the students in the White Pine Club remarked that the entire book unfolds and they still manage to get to prom before it's over (sorry...should I have called "Spoilers" first?). I'm not as surprised as she; there's not a whole lot going on in the four or five hours prom is underway.

Don't get me wrong--Tag Along is well worth the read. Think of The Breakfast Club on their way to prom. The story is told from the points of view of the four protagonists, all of whom are significantly differentiated to believe they are four distinct characters. The events are adventurous (tagging buildings in spite of being stalked by a cop, for example), without being implausible or life-threatening., but the story's more joy ride than thrill-a-minute roller coaster ride.

In the end, you'll see the characters as you want to see them--"in simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what [Tag Along shows] is that each one of us" wants to make a coming out splash; not have a panic attack when we think of a date with our mates; rebel against the rules, even if it's for the first time in our lives; and leave our mark on the world around us.

Sincerely yours, the Prom Club.

Note the last paragraph quote from The Breakfast Club.
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