Hover The Taking Book 2 eBook Melissa West

Hover The Taking Book 2 eBook Melissa West
After I finished the first book in The Taking series, Gravity, I was desperate to get my hands on this book because holy cow, Gravity was such an intense and kick-butt read that I just needed to know what would happen next. Imagine my horror when I was trying to buy it in my Kobo store and it saying that the title wasn't available in my country. WHAT? I even reached out to the author to check if this was right (heh, sorry Melissa!). But then thankfully, my Kindle arrived and I immediately bought the book through Amazon. I devoured it. It was a great sequel and it took my breath away so many times that I lost count.The great part about this book is how it somehow brings us back to basics, but in a different world, instead of Earth. And by basics I mean with Ari and Jackson, of getting the hang of things once again, of meeting new people, and discovering skills and deeper secrets. I loved the thrill it gave me when Ari joins for the first time RES training and Jackson shows another side of him that we didn't get the chance to see in Gravity. I don't know how to say it, but it's that kind of thing when the boy is distant and the girl is trying to get the hang of things in training, then he challenges her in front of everybody, but you know he likes her although he tries not to show it, you know? Well, something like that. I LOVE those kind of situations.
And yeah, I was a bit bummed that things are strained between Ari and Jackson due to the circumstances, but everything was understandable and it still felt nice to know that they did care about each other. Ari was the one confused about how she should feel about Jackson after everything that's happened and I don't blame her. How can you trust the grandson of the evilest man on Loge who's basically destroying everything? But we know Jackson is nothing like Zeus, so all is well. Hard NOT to love Jackson. ;)
Overall, Hover was another exciting read. It had a little less action than Gravity, but it had other interesting things going on that made up for it. Lots of mind games, for example *shudders*.
Have you started this series? You should! You'll love it.

Tags : Hover (The Taking Book 2) - Kindle edition by Melissa West. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Hover (The Taking Book 2).,ebook,Melissa West,Hover (The Taking Book 2),Entangled: Teen,Action & Adventure - General,Romance - General,Science Fiction - General,Action & Adventure - General,Action & Adventure General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Extraterrestrial beings,Extraterrestrial beings;Fiction.,Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Romance - General,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Science fiction.,Space warfare,Space warfare;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Extraterrestrial beings,Fiction,Science fiction,Space warfare,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Hover The Taking Book 2 eBook Melissa West Reviews
And so our adventure continues, this time on Loge. We pick up with Ari at the end of her healing. She is still burden heavily by the war waging on Earth, and the half-truths divulged by her beloved, Jackson. Ari has the weight of the world on her shoulders. She needs to think quickly in order to help her fellow man.
As typical for most series novels, I find that Melissa West lets her second book fall into what I loving refer to as the "Middle Book Syndrome"; a verbose explosion leading up to what is to be explained in the final book of a series, often leading the reader frustrated, and sometimes, sadly, a little bored. If an author isn't careful, they can lose their audience for the next book in the series. Fortunately, Melissa West does not lose my desire to continue on with the series. Whew!
Hover is full of action packed scenes that really kept me wanting to read. It unfortunately also had me rolling my eyes in a few places. It is these eye rolling moments that make me want to give the book two stars. The entertainment values of the book, however, keep it at a three. I want to work backwards here and start with the Ugly points
The Ugly
Three plot sink holes that sucked me in and had me rolling my eyes..
* The special tree, hidden by some vines, along a wall that as part of training people run beside. Are you seriously going to tell me that in all those years NO ONE passing that wall would have ever noticed the hidden door to the secret tree? Come on! No way! Tsk tsk tsk...
* Zeus still alive? What!?! No no no! Are you seriously going to say that after all the planning and fighting with HERSELF, after enduring torture and watching her own race die at his hands, after being TRAINED from birth to be a soldier, that Ari would EVER let this happen? If I were Ari I would have cut his head right off to make sure the deal was DONE! I can't buy this. This really ticked me off, especially with the (eye roll) cliff hanger!
* Healers...if there are more healers than is believed, and they are desperate to save their planet, and even Ari could learn to heal ...then why in the heck did they not let the ancient population HEAL THE PLANET? This perplexes me more than anything. I really hope there is more to it than this because if that is all there is to it, then that makes this highly advanced race of people just a special kind of stupid.
The Bad
I feel the author missed out on a wonderful opportunity to submerge us even deeper into the world of Loge. I would have liked to have been able to get a much more detailed understanding of the Ancient's culture and world. There were a lot of unanswered questions. I wish she would have delved a wee bit deeper into this. For example, names. I understand the Ancient's having human names on Earth in order to blend in ... but what about their names on Loge? I mean, Zeus, really? A Greek God? I found this, of all things, to be so unoriginal and it almost ruined the story in a very small way. Also one thing that bothered me was Ari's repetitive thinking and situations. It almost felt like filler and a way to lengthen the story into the next book. I would have enjoyed the book more with less repetitive thinking on Ari's part and more digging into the world of Loge.
The Good
I really enjoyed the growth of our leading characters. I was able to grasp a better understanding of Jackson and his "protective" way of thinking. His abuse which is both mental and physical explains a lot for me. Ari also bloomed into her own showing a self-thinker and very brave young woman. While I didn't agree with all of her choices, she most certainly has stepped up into the role she has been trained for all of her life. Her relationship with Jackson blooms into a more mature, and steamy, romance. And we were also introduced to a few new wonderful and well developed supporting characters! Mami is a favorite of mine.
All in all I did enjoy the second book in the series. If not for the few eye rolling moments, I might have even bumped this novel up a star. If I could give Melissa West a good piece of advice it would be please ask yourself "why" and "what if" to round out the holes in the plots. Also, never be afraid to let your imagination explode onto paper when describing your creations. Hover is a good sequel, and I look forward to reading the final story.
After I finished the first book in The Taking series, Gravity, I was desperate to get my hands on this book because holy cow, Gravity was such an intense and kick-butt read that I just needed to know what would happen next. Imagine my horror when I was trying to buy it in my Kobo store and it saying that the title wasn't available in my country. WHAT? I even reached out to the author to check if this was right (heh, sorry Melissa!). But then thankfully, my arrived and I immediately bought the book through . I devoured it. It was a great sequel and it took my breath away so many times that I lost count.
The great part about this book is how it somehow brings us back to basics, but in a different world, instead of Earth. And by basics I mean with Ari and Jackson, of getting the hang of things once again, of meeting new people, and discovering skills and deeper secrets. I loved the thrill it gave me when Ari joins for the first time RES training and Jackson shows another side of him that we didn't get the chance to see in Gravity. I don't know how to say it, but it's that kind of thing when the boy is distant and the girl is trying to get the hang of things in training, then he challenges her in front of everybody, but you know he likes her although he tries not to show it, you know? Well, something like that. I LOVE those kind of situations.
And yeah, I was a bit bummed that things are strained between Ari and Jackson due to the circumstances, but everything was understandable and it still felt nice to know that they did care about each other. Ari was the one confused about how she should feel about Jackson after everything that's happened and I don't blame her. How can you trust the grandson of the evilest man on Loge who's basically destroying everything? But we know Jackson is nothing like Zeus, so all is well. Hard NOT to love Jackson. ;)
Overall, Hover was another exciting read. It had a little less action than Gravity, but it had other interesting things going on that made up for it. Lots of mind games, for example *shudders*.
Have you started this series? You should! You'll love it.

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