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≫ [PDF] Live Free ReWrite Your Story edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion Spirituality eBooks

Live Free ReWrite Your Story edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download As PDF : Live Free ReWrite Your Story edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF Live Free ReWrite Your Story  edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Who else wants to reset their lives?

"I just want to feel normal again."

I hear this sentiment often in my counselling clinic. I get you. Anxiety and depression is a dark place to be. It is inconvenient to get a panic attack when someone cute walks by you. It is frustrating when you want to relax but your body seems to be reacting to nothing. Worst of all, you become your own enemy. You can't help feeling like you are weird.

My book is written for the, "I've had enough already," crowd. For so long, your story has been about how things are NOT working out in your life.

I help people reset their life and Live Free.

Live Free Re-Write Your Life is a journey about how I turned from socially anxious to counsellor. It is the story of how my clients turned from panic attack to freedom.

Written in a steps that build on each other, you will

  • Take control of your time
  • Be free from mind fog
  • Understand why you're stuck and break free
  • Reduce negative influences
  • Build great frienships
  • Toss away guilt and grudges...finally!
  • Only do what you're passionate about
  • Find purpose in your life
  • Tap into unlimited power
Join the journey of many others who turned their life around with my simple steps.

Yours for lives being set free everywhere,


P.S. The book comes with complimentary worksheets on my website http// 

P.P.S Connect with me!

Live Free ReWrite Your Story edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion Spirituality eBooks

Great book , nice tips .

Product details

  • File Size 2145 KB
  • Print Length 108 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date February 1, 2016
  • Language English

Read Live Free ReWrite Your Story  edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : Live Free: Re-Write Your Story - Kindle edition by Lindsay Tsang, Kathleen Tsang. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Lindsay Tsang, Kathleen Tsang,Live Free: Re-Write Your Story,RELIGION Christian Life Personal Growth,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Self-Esteem
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Live Free ReWrite Your Story edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

While there are so many self help books available, this book by Lindsay Tsang is a real eye opener. It doesn't dictate what things to do. Rather, it allows an individual to look inside one's self and reflect on personal choices and priorities.

I like that every suggestion is actually doable and manageable. The also features real life scenarios where one can actually relate.

Well written, easy to understand, direct to the point and honest, this book is definitely what great book to have especially if you are currently in a crossroad of life or ready to re-write your own story.
I read a lot of psychology. I started from my teen age age. Freud, Carl Jung, Milton Erikson, many motivational books.

I found the book Live Free-Rewrite your life story by Lindsay Tsang a real full immersion in various thematic s I love a lot.
Many psychological thematic treated for bettering the life of people.

The book long 95 pages, in few pages present advices for everyone and every possible problem.

This book was sent from Books go Social to me in a moment of personal emotive stress, in which my brain, is more fertile and active than usual.

I appreciated so badly what this book contains and I will work also thanks to this one for fixing what it is wrong in this moment in my existence.

There is not in psychology a magic wand able to be good for everyone. Each person must force himself or herself to cure the most profound internal wounds of the soul and this one, curing ourselves, a hard work to do.

The book is articulated in nine chapters.

Each of them will give to you suggestions for bettering your life and modifying your life, because it will be a gradual work.

Step by step. Doing it, you will change what you don't like of you and your life, and mainly the perception you have of yourself for being able to build a better life and, first of all for setting yourself free from environment, people around you and for living the life you want to live with the people you want to be surrounded by.

What define us mainly as also suggested by the author is our past.
The author will guide all the readers through specific therapies.

I found suggestive the idea of re-writing the story of our life.

Written words are more powerful in fact than spoken words, where out thoughts are free to go here and there without to discover a real "stop" and where there is not maybe a complete consciousness of ourselves.

But written words remains. Written words are able to tell who we are.

Someone in the past wrote a book called "Write it down and make it happens" because writing down a proposal, or a journal a powerful method for healing.

Writing our story....

I was thinking while I was reading this passage that not only this one must be one of the strongest therapies but also that it can be a great sufferance when a person has lived great problems.

It is one of the most powerful instrument for healing I think, because it's like to see our soul and our Self through a mirror. The mirror of the time, the mirror of our existence, the mirror of our same soul looked from the outside. From our Self.
Looked from our same words.

Have you seen the movie Fantasia, based on the book by Michel Ende where the little protagonist had to look at his own soul reflected in a mirror for going on? In case you know what I want to say.

Not all the people can look at their soul with tranquillity.

Sometimes it is scaring. Scaring to remember, scaring to forgetting, scaring to living, scaring to see ourselves with honesty. Can we look at our past with tranquillity? At our childhood with serenity?
There is no chance but the consciousness that just analyzing our past we can set free from the problematic of our past, building a different human being.
Also the worsted problem of the past can be healed.

A point for the author is more than sure "If you want to change you must be brutally honest with yourself."

It's impossible to tell lies in therapy and it's impossible to lie to ourselves if there is necessity of a real change and a real analysis of who we are.
And the first step for healing is to try to understand who we are in this existence.

Important also "To Change the thought and your behavior will change, too."

Adamantly true there is no healing and there is no progress if there is a constant complain. Negativity brings negativity, positivity, other positivity. They're two spirals of our existence and the second always the winning one.

The analysis goes deep with themes like abuses.
"Sexual abuse means anger toward injustice, panic and anxiety" if not cured properly.

It's not just a book this one written by Lindsay Tsang for the little existential crisis of our times. It's a book that wants to drive people at the research of their personal freedom using all the possible ingredients our modern age give us and our soul can give as as well, taking in consideration who we are, where we live, our work, friendship, social basis.

Growing, becoming wise, focusing on ourselves, and loving us. This one the first step for loving and interacting well also with other people.

I suggest this book to everyone. For healing, for keeping it in case there is need of a good motivational and healing book in a moment of discomfort during our long life. You will find questions and answers and at the end you will stay better.

The author will suggest a diversified modality for healing passing through true and good friends, mentors, of course help of a psychologist where problems are more profound and need a different support for a while. Keeping various diaries and journals.
The mood diary one of the most important ones.
Positive thoughts, spirituality, and a smile.

For changing ourselves and this world in better.
Great book , nice tips .
Ebook PDF Live Free ReWrite Your Story  edition by Lindsay Tsang Kathleen Tsang Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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