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[EZM]⋙ Libro Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss

Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss

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Download PDF Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss

Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss

This book was fairly slow, though it kept my interest all the way.
No sex (graphic or otherwise), and no bad language - for those that care.

There were some things that felt very odd about the book - like it was not a contemporary story - but in fact, it is.

The premise of the book is that Fanny Bower is very introverted, but has made a decision to put herself "out there". This means she won't turn down any invitations. The result is that she continues to get out and work on her social skills. She has one of those "didn't know who he was" interactions with the chairman of the company she works for, with a bit of foot in mouth.

So, although the book did feel odd to me (in some way I can't quite put my finger on), I did really enjoy it. I was engaged in the story, and though the end was fairly abrupt, overall I really enjoyed the book and would read more by this author.

Read Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss

Tags : Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook: Julia Ariss: Kindle Store,ebook,Julia Ariss,Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There,Julia Ariss,Fiction Contemporary Women,Fiction Romance Romantic Comedy

Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There eBook Julia Ariss Reviews

Loved the story, a woman coming to know herself. She falls and gets embarassed but picks herself up gracefully and moves on.

The ending is a bit abrupt for my taste, and I didn't get it at all - what does it mean when he says, "...and there's a bookstore attached"? Pretty sure it's a metaphor for something but maybe I'm a dunce since I still didn't understand what he meants even after reading it the second time around.

After all the long winded details within the story, looked like the author ran out of word count and rushed the ending. Wish it were longer & that there was some epilogue.
Okay, I admit, the title caught my eye, the cover kept it,,didn't even read a sample and I jumped on it and so, readers,should you .If you want a story that reads like you're reading about yourself or one of your friends( only way more interesting!),buy it.Fanny's struggles with self doubt hit a chord I keep hidden deep within but unfortunately I don't possess the talent of Julia Ariss but I am hoping she keeps going and writes a ton of books just like this one . Especially with intelligent hunks like Jack and even supporting characters like Katherine who reminds me of a couple of wonderful women I have met in my life. Erasto's story tugged at my heart and I am so glad it ended well so, read it, I don't think you will be disappointed!
This felt a lot like searching for yourself. With a happy ending. I particularly liked the use of the book club. And the use of the internet for positive change. An entrancing read.
There are many P&P record out there; most are all right--like a Little Debbie's cake when you want a sweet but nothing like the full meal that is Jane Austen. The best thing about this one is subtle way the story incorporates the P&P highlights while becoming a good novel in its own right. Set in Toronto, Fanny Bowers Puts Herself Out There, gives a young woman who hasn't found her place in the world and is gamely trying to become more socially adept when she spills wine on her boss's boss shoes. Fanny, unlike Elizabeth Bennet, can't one for a quick come back but she does make an impression. Not quite mayhem ensues as Fanny realises how she best fits into the world and what a good thing that is.
The writer's literary ability is far superior to similar novels and it made reading much more enjoyable, clever, witty and intricate. I think she ought to progress to heavier writing because she certainly can.
I debated on a 3 or 4 rating on this book. It does start off slow but the writing is good and I did find myself interested in the characters. I noticed one reviewer stated the story was hard to follow but I didn't notice that problem. I liked the way the characters seemed like real people to me and their reactions to situations were normal instead of over the top for drama or comedy. I liked the way the relationship developed slowly and they had the opportunity to get to know each other. Of course there is the "easy solution" for the homeless situation but I'm fine with a happy ending, feel good, clean romance. As an added bonus for me the setting - Toronto, Kingston & the lake properties north of Kingston are very familiar to me.
Imagine if Bridget Jones had been an introvert. This story is funny, the characters are lovable and believable enough for something that is not pretending to be haute literature. I think the author has drawn the personality of the introvert very well but the extroverts are just a little simplified. The story progresses well but there is a bit of a step-change in the progression of the relationship in the last 5% of the book that makes the ending a bit rushed. Nonetheless, for a sweet, affectionate, brain-candy, weekend or holiday entertainment, I can recommend this book. (note, there are a couple of punctuation problems, primarily lack of opening quote marks, that make for the teeniest bit of difficulty reading in the first third of the book, but that shouldn't sop a competent reader from enjoying the book and, since I'm reviewing the book, not the editor, It hasn't affected my star rating). 3.5 stars. I am a very hard rater.
This book was fairly slow, though it kept my interest all the way.
No sex (graphic or otherwise), and no bad language - for those that care.

There were some things that felt very odd about the book - like it was not a contemporary story - but in fact, it is.

The premise of the book is that Fanny Bower is very introverted, but has made a decision to put herself "out there". This means she won't turn down any invitations. The result is that she continues to get out and work on her social skills. She has one of those "didn't know who he was" interactions with the chairman of the company she works for, with a bit of foot in mouth.

So, although the book did feel odd to me (in some way I can't quite put my finger on), I did really enjoy it. I was engaged in the story, and though the end was fairly abrupt, overall I really enjoyed the book and would read more by this author.
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